Welcome to the transformative realm of the Bachelor of Animation, where imagination meets expertise, and creativity finds its voice. In this dynamic program, we invite aspiring animators to embark on a comprehensive exploration of the art and technology that breathe life into captivating visual narratives. Animation, beyond mere entertainment, holds the power to shape perceptions and transcend boundaries, and this program is meticulously crafted to equip you with the skills to become a storyteller in this ever-evolving field.
At Upskilled, we understand the unique needs of animators like you. We ensure an unparalleled learning experience. This dynamic on-campus program provides an immersive atmosphere that fosters collaboration, real-time engagement, and hands-on learning.
Course Duration:
Full Time Duration - 2 to 3 Years
Get in touch with an education consultant for more information.
Part-time option available
If you want to take a little longer, that’s ok too. We’ll help you work out the best study load to suit your needs.
Recognition of Prior Learning/Credit
SAE may recognise your prior learning and may grant credit towards satisfying the requirements for a higher-level program. This is applied where previous learning is considered equivalent to the content and learning outcomes prescribed for units within the program. For full details, please refer to SAE's policy on recognition of prior learning and credit transfers.