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  • What course materials and assessments should I be aware of?

  1. The course is solely delivered online.
  2. You may receive an eTextbook depending on your course. iIf an eTextbook is not included in your course, this means all the study materials required are accessible to you online
  3. You cannot unlock your course unless you have completed your pre-course requirements
  4. Do not solely rely on the online resources or eTextbook provided for all your assessment answers; these simply contain supporting information to assist you. We recommend that you perform further research on the internet or from the actual field/industry of your chosen qualification.
  5. Upskilled uses plagiarism checking software. Please do not copy and paste information from any sources provided by us or found elsewhere on the internet, otherwise the software will pick this up and flag your assessment with plagiarism.
  6. When using the information you find on the internet or textbook sources, you must reference accordingly (APA style).
  7. Due dates mentioned in the training plan must be taken seriously; however, if you need more time, you can contact the Student Support team beforehand and apply for an extension. Please refer to sections Course Time Limits and Progression in the Student Handbook for further details
  8. Upskilled encourages the student to use Trainer feedback to re-attempt an assessment if they receive a NYC result. We are not obliged to provide more than one attempt at an assessment activity by a Student. However, Upskilled does allow for 3 attempts (at most) per assessment as students need an opportunity to respond to constructive Trainer feedback. Please refer to section Attempts at Assessment in Student Handbook for further details 

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