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How an online qualification can help you ease into a new role

By Emilly Parris

Starting a new job, while exciting can be a stressful experience. Between learning your co-workers’ names to managing self-doubt and settling into an entirely new work routine, there are plenty of things that demand your attention.

Every job, workplace and organisation is different. That’s partly why we welcome the change that comes with moving jobs. But you may also find yourself introduced to a number of new concepts or an overwhelmingly confusing new system, which can make settling in a lot more difficult. Appropriate training can ease some of these concerns, which can help you gain the confidence to perform your role to the best of your ability.

An online qualification allows you to earn a degree or certificate without sacrificing your time or your job.

Here are five ways an online qualification can make the transition into a new role much smoother.

1. Fill knowledge gaps.

young woman studying at library

With any new job comes new responsibilities and skills to learn. You’ll learn a lot on the job, but specialised training and certification can give you the foundation to understand the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of your role, as well as how to follow proper procedures and industry protocols. 

If you’re looking for additional training and education, you have many options. While you are hired for your skills and abilities, you’re also hired for your potential to grow into your role, so don’t be afraid of incorporating learning into your work schedule.

2. Accelerate your career.

One of the most effective ways to accelerate your career is by obtaining a qualification. A qualification can not only add credibility to your resume, it can also help you secure a higher salary. 

With flexible online study options, you can become qualified even sooner which means more opportunities will become available to you. Not only will you become a more valuable member of the team, you’ll also be improving your future prospects.

3. Gain confidence.

confident woman leader speaking

Starting a new job poses many challenges, at times you may feel unprepared or overwhelmed, particularly if you’ve dived headfirst into a completely different working environment from what you’re used to. The good news is that the more you learn, the easier it will become. Knowing that you are taking steps to improve your knowledge can give you the confidence boost you need to embrace your new role and start making a meaningful impact.

4. Minimise the risk of redundancy.

With technology moving at a rapid pace, many are concerned that their roles will become redundant in the not too distant future. While this is true for some jobs, the vast majority still require a human element. Staying on top of these technological trends and having the most up to date skills can reduce your chances of being made redundant. 

5. Stay up to date with your industry.

As industries evolve, so do organisations and the expectations for employees. In the past, workers were mostly expected to perform a few clearly-outlined tasks really well. Today, many professionals are required to have a broad range of skills—both technical and interpersonal, and they may have to juggle multiple responsibilities.

Older workers for example, may become more specialised in their field which is a great advantage in the workplace, but they are also more likely to be overlooked in favour of someone with a more ‘fresh perspective’ and broader skillset. Obtaining a qualification can build upon those existing skills to strengthen your resume and make you more appealing to a hiring manager.

Are you ready to future-proof your career?

An online course is a great way to fill any skill gaps and keep you up-to-date with the industry you’re working in. If you’re interested in enrolling in an online course, be sure to check Upskilled’s courses page where we offer hundreds of flexible courses in Australia’s top industries. Talk to one of their education consultants by calling 1300 009 924 to learn more.
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