8 habits to make your Mondays better at work
We’ve all at some point experienced the case of Mondayitis – that feeling of dread, we feel at the start of the working week. And, let’s face it, for most of us, the stress about the impending return to the office starts right from Sunday afternoon.
After all, who wants to end a fun-filled weekend only to be knee-deep in deadlines, meetings and corporate red-tape? However, Mondays do not have to be painful. They can be productive if you plan ahead and set the tone for how your entire week pans out.
Here are some ways to help boost your productivity levels to help combat that feeling of dread when Monday’s just right around the corner:
8 Monday morning habits to jumpstart your week
- It’s all in the mind.
- Plan ahead and be prepared.
- Start the day right.
- Make a to-do list and check it twice.
- Organise your work area.
- Do something different.
- Don’t procrastinate.
- Find a job you love.
1. It’s all in the mind.
The first thing you need to do is change your mindset towards Mondays to transform them from being manic to motivating. Think positive, think proactive, think practical. Instead of your usual negative attitude towards Monday, try putting a positive spin on it: a new beginning and a fresh start to get tasks done.
2. Plan ahead and be prepared.
Sunday evening is also the best time to plan for the week ahead: your exercise routine, meal prep and even your outfits, taking into account all upcoming activities and appointments. With these decisions sorted, Monday mornings will have you arriving at work ready to face the day head-on.
3. Start the day right.
Get in an early morning workout to get those feel-good endorphins pumping. Exercise and meditation can energise you, reducing stress and increasing wellbeing. Eat a healthy breakfast and you won’t be reaching for a banana bread at 9am. Do one thing that boosts your mood and try to incorporate it into your morning routine. Perhaps listen to music, meditate or read something uplifting.
4. Make a to-do list and check it twice.
Set aside some time to write down a list of all the tasks you need to accomplish during the week, either in a diary, a planner or an app. Then prioritise the most important tasks on your workload. Make sure to minimise distractions like news alerts or social media notifications.
When you map your goals, you’re more likely to get them done. In fact, as soon as you get into the office, choose one small, do-able task and get it done ASAP (e.g. an email/invoice/document you’ve been meaning to send). You’ll feel in control once a key item is checked off that list and you can make informed decisions when other unforeseen tasks crop up.
5. Organise your work area.
Studies show that we work better when our environment is clean and organised. A clutter-free desk will aid productivity and help your thoughts and ideas flow unencumbered. Taking care of your personal space can bring about some much-needed peace and efficiency.
Clutter results in time wasted looking for lost documents, having less room to work, and being distracted from what you need to focus on. As the saying goes, ‘A place for everything and everything in its place’. File papers, throw out used tissues, arrange your stationery neatly and wash used coffee cups. Start the week off with a clean slate.
6. Do something different.
Trying new things boosts creativity and lets you see things in a whole new light. If you want to kick-start your week, you need to make it happen.
7. Don’t procrastinate.
Sometimes, the amount of work we need to get through seems so overwhelming, we choose to ignore it altogether! Try to break down your work into smaller, more manageable tasks and get them done one-by-one, setting deadlines for each task.
8. Find a job you love.
As the saying goes, ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.’ If you keep feeling those Monday morning blues despite all attempts to thwart such negativity, perhaps you’re in a career slump and need to figure out if you need a career break or a career change. If this is the case, grab the opportunity to assess your situation and figure out if you need to study a course to improve your workplace skills and work towards it.
Looking for a career change?
If you’re wondering whether to re-train or re-think your career pathway, Upskilled has a wide variety of courses you can do online, from Finance to Workplace Health & Safety and everything in-between.
Call Upskilled on 1300 009 924 and speak to one of their friendly education consultants who can guide you on all the courses offered, so that you can choose one that aligns with your career plans for the future.